Funcom® Video Use Policy
August 26, 2016
Funcom Oslo AS permits you to create free or ad-supported videos (including Let's Plays, Twitch streams, walkthroughs, speed runs, reviews, commentary and educational use material) that use captured or streamed video from all video games that we publish.
No Pre-release Footage: Unofficial footage of our games, including leaked footage, may not be posted online prior to the official release date (or official Early Access date), regardless of how the game or footage was obtained, without prior written approval.
Objectionable Content: Our game content cannot be used to create material that is pornographic, lewd, obscene, vulgar, discriminatory (on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.), illegal, hate speech, promoting violence, drug use or any illegal activity, promoting crimes against humanity, genocide or torture, or that is otherwise objectionable. The use of our game content may not support activities prohibited under our Terms of Use.
Credit: Should you decide to post videos utilizing our content, we request that you provide a functional link to our site or a product page for the version of the game used in the making of said content.
If you use our materials, you need to mention that they belong to us by showing our copyright notice. “© Funcom Oslo AS”
Our Trademarks: You may not use our trademarks (including, for example, the game title or our company name) other than to describe the fact that your Game Video is about one of our games. Use of our logos is not permitted at all.
A Note on Music- There are times that Funcom licenses music from others for inclusion in our games. These licenses only cover use by Funcom, which means music labels/companies that have automated systems in place may flag a copyright issue on any video featuring a track. If you believe your use was flagged incorrectly, please let us know but be aware that we cannot always assist in these matters.
Commercial Uses: Additional written permission from Funcom is required for any other commercial use of our art, music and audio content outside of captured in-game footage (please e-mail [email protected]) with any such requests). This also means that you may not license a Production you have created to another company for a fee, or for any other form of compensation, without specific written permission from us to do so. Contact [email protected] for commercial use inquiries.